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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are new treatments for mesothelioma actuality studied?

Yes. Because mesothelioma is actual adamantine to control, the National Blight Institute (NCI) is allotment analytic trials (research studies with people) that are advised to acquisition new treatments and bigger means to use accepted treatments. Before any new analysis can be recommended for accepted use, doctors conduct analytic trials to acquisition out whether the analysis is safe for patients and able adjoin the disease. Participation in analytic trials is an important analysis advantage for abounding patients with mesothelioma.

People absorbed in demography allotment in a analytic balloon should allocution with their doctor. Advice about analytic trials is accessible from the Blight Advice Service (CIS) (see below) at 1–800–4–CANCER. Advice specialists at the CIS use PDQ®, NCI’s blight advice database, to analyze and accommodate abundant advice about specific advancing analytic trials. Patients additionally accept the advantage of analytic for analytic trials on their own. The analytic trials folio on the NCI’s Web site, amid at on the Internet, provides accepted advice about analytic trials and links to PDQ...
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

How is mesothelioma treated?

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the breadth of the cancer, the date of the disease, and the patient’s age and accepted health. Standard analysis options accommodate surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Sometimes, these treatments are combined.

* Anaplasty is a accepted analysis for mesothelioma. The doctor may abolish allotment of the lining of the chest or belly and some of the tissue about it. For blight of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation alleged a pneumonectomy. Sometimes allotment of the diaphragm, the beef beneath the lungs that helps with breathing, is additionally removed.

* Radiation therapy, additionally alleged radiotherapy, involves the use of high-energy application to annihilate blight beef and compress tumors. Radiation analysis affects the blight beef alone in the advised area. The radiation may appear from a apparatus (external radiation) or from putting abstracts that aftermath radiation through attenuate artificial tubes into the breadth area the blight beef are begin (internal radiation therapy).

* Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to annihilate blight beef throughout the body. Most drugs acclimated to amusement mesothelioma are accustomed by bang into a attitude (intravenous, or IV). Doctors are additionally belief the capability of putting chemotherapy anon into the chest or belly (intracavitary chemotherapy)...
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Monday, April 7, 2008

How is mesothelioma diagnosed?

Diagnosing mesothelioma is generally difficult, because the affection are agnate to those of a cardinal of added conditions. Analysis begins with a analysis of the patient’s medical history, including any history of asbestos exposure. A complete concrete assay may be performed, including x-rays of the chest or belly and lung action tests. A CT (or CAT) browse or an MRI may additionally be useful. A CT browse is a alternation of abundant pictures of areas central the anatomy created by a computer affiliated to an x-ray machine. In an MRI, a able allurement affiliated to a computer is acclimated to accomplish abundant pictures of areas central the body. These pictures are beheld on a adviser and can additionally be printed.

A biopsy is bare to affirm a analysis of mesothelioma. In a biopsy, a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and alleviative cancer) removes a sample of tissue for assay beneath a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in altered ways, depending on breadth the aberrant breadth is located. If the blight is in the chest, the doctor may accomplish a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a baby cut through the chest bank and puts a thin, afire tube alleged a thoracoscope into the chest amid two ribs. Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to attending central the chest and access tissue samples. If the blight is in the abdomen, the doctor may accomplish a peritoneoscopy. To access tissue for examination, the doctor makes a baby aperture in the belly and inserts a appropriate apparatus alleged a peritoneoscope into the belly cavity. If these procedures do not crop abundant tissue, added all-encompassing analytic anaplasty may be necessary...
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Sunday, April 6, 2008

North Dakota gravel sparks fears (The Charlotte Observer)

The sounds of children playing baseball has been silenced at one ball field in this western North Dakota city. Officials fear the ground itself is simply too unsafe. The ballpark, one of two in this town of about 700 people, is covered with crushed gravel containing erionite, a mineral found in the chalky white rock mined from the nearby Killdeer Mountains. The rock, used for decades on ...

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:06:58 GMT


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North Dakota Gravel Sparks Fears (AP via Yahoo! Malaysia News)

The sounds of children playing baseball has been silenced at one ball field in this western North Dakota city.

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 08:46:00 GMT


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North Dakota Gravel Sparks Fears (Las Vegas Sun)

Sat, Apr 5, 2008 (4:27 a.m.) The sounds of children playing baseball has been silenced at one ball field in this western North Dakota city. Officials fear the ground itself is simply too unsafe.

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:47:11 GMT


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North Dakota Gravel Sparks Fears (San Francisco Chronicle)

The sounds of children playing baseball has been silenced at one ball field in this western North Dakota city. Officials fear the ground itself is simply too unsafe. The ballpark, one of two in this town of about 700 people, is covered with crushed gravel...

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:20:16 GMT


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North Dakota gravel sparks fears (AP via Yahoo! News)

The sounds of children playing baseball has been silenced at one ball field in this western North Dakota city. Officials fear the ground itself is simply too unsafe.

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:04:25 GMT


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HOME PAGE (The Hindu)

'RBI may use CRR, market stabilisation to tackle inflation' Mumbai, April 5 Faced with the tough job of balancing growth, which is showing signs of slowing down, and inflation, which is threatening to rise, the Reserve Bank of India is likely to use the twin tools of market stabilisation schemes (MSS) ...

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 18:49:59 GMT


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N.D. Shuts Ballpark Over Studies Linking Gravel, Cancer (Fox News)

Killdeer residents worried that erionite, which is found in gravel, could cause cancer after studies show the mineral causes cancer in rats and its fibers can collect in the lungs of humans who breathe it.

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 20:19:54 GMT


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